Alaska is synonymous with catching big fish, and lots of fish, in an environment that is wild, rugged and plentiful, like few left on earth. In a week it is possible to catch 10 kinds of the world’s greatest game fish, a different species every day. Or, you may choose to go with only one goal; catching the biggest rainbow of your life. Everything is possible.
In the Bristol Bay watershed, where the lodges we represent are located, the season extends from mid-June to the end of September. Click here for a calendar explaining when each species can be caught. Many fisherman plan Alaska trips around one or more species of Salmon, realizing that trout, char, dolly varden, pike, and grayling are available season long.
If you want to pursue rainbows with a dry fly, focus on June and July. But, if it’s a trophy rainbow you’re after, they’ll be several pounds heavier in August and September.
We’ve expanded and improved our website.
Chip Bates, Doug Schlink and Judy Hall have been booking Alaska for 25 years. Chip has visited 22 different Alaska Lodges, with Doug and Judy not far behind. It costs you nothing to tap into this wealth of experience and knowledge.
Alaska attracts a healthy number of repeat clients. By late-October, 90% of the repeats are locked and loaded, making NOW the absolute best time for new clients to grab prime dates.
Call the Alaska Experts today.