The Peace & Plenty Bonefish Lodge has everything you could want in a first class bonefish lodge; quick access to miles of productive flats, state of the art flats boats, experienced Bahamian guides, outstanding food, American management and a physical plant as comfortable and picturesque as many in the Bahamas that charge far more.

Peace and Plenty Bonefishing Lodge

The Bonefish Lodge consists of a majestic cedar and stone two-story building with guest accommodations in a separate building adjacent to the main lodge.  The building has 8 nicely appointed and spacious rooms.

Bedroom at Peace and Plenty Bonefishing Lodge

All the rooms are air-conditioned, have two queen beds with tiled floors, full bath, large dresser and a porch overlooking the water.

The main lodges ground floor consists of a beautifully decorated restaurant and bar. You will be surrounded by many pictures of fishing success with autographs of celebrities adorning the walls.

You can expect to be served a variety of extremely well prepared menu items by local Exuman, Chef Martin,  such as lobster, fresh fish, steaks and other Bahamian specialties. The food at the Bonefish Lodge is so popular that locals come from Georgetown to have a wonderful night out. I highly recommend the conch chowder and cracked conch! …. Did I mention the Barcardi Rum Chocolate cake?


Peace and Plenty facilities

Dining at Peace and Plenty Bonefishing LodgeOff of the dinning room is an expansive wooden deck jutting out onto the water, adjoining the docks where the bonefish skiffs are tied up. The deck, with several covered picnic tables and benches, is ideal for assembling gear and setting up rods. A newly installed salt water wading pool is the perfect way to relax and enjoy a Kalik (local beer) under a beautiful Bahamian sky after fishing.

Adjacent to the main dock is also a saltwater lagoon which acts as a live fish tank for the resident snappers and lemon sharks that come for their nightly feeding by Karen Hyde.

The Fishermen’s private Clubhouse on the upper level is where breakfast is often served. You will find a fully stocked honor bar and fly tying area, satellite TV, video library, phone area; card table and other recreational amenities here. The wrap around second story porch is a  great place to unwind and talk about your fishing experience and plan for your next days fishing while the sun sets.

Exuma has quality bonefishing with good numbers of fish in the 3 – 5 pound class, with occasional fish running up to about 8 or 9 pounds. Flats are located on both  sides of the island but are generally inaccessible without a guide and boat. The west side flats are divided into two general areas, the airport flats, which often provide great numbers of smaller fish, and the outer Cay flats which can provide the best chances for bigger bonefish as well as the occasional permit.

The east side flats run from about 15 minutes south of George Town to the Little Exumas and can provide opportunities for bigger (6 – 9 pound) fish. Other flats species available include barracudas, sharks and the occasional permit.

The bonefishing flats of Great Exuma, Bahamas


Peace & Plenty fishes up to as many as 10 boats and guides a day. The boats are docked at the main lodge and in Moss Town, a 20 minute taxi ride from George Town. The shallow draft skiffs powered by 25  hp outboards have nice size casting platforms and good rod storage. Although you may fish from the boat, Exuma’s main attraction are the beautiful,  firm white sand flats which are perfect for wading.

All Peace & Plenty guides work on a rotational basis and you are apt to fish with any of the guides during your stay. Lodge manager Bob Hyde explains that you are going to catch more fish and have a better experience since each guide specializes in his own area were they are confident you’ll catch the most fish.

The island of Great Exuma is located 130 nautical miles southeast of Nassau in the Southern Out  or “Family” islands of the Bahama chain. The village of George Town, on the eastern side, is the  island’s center of activity and home to the charming Club Peace & Plenty Hotel, the original  establishment of Peace & Plenty’s 3 hotel properties (The Bonefish Lodge, The Beach Inn and Club Peace & Plenty).

The 2 facilities in town of Peace & Plenty are located on a site originally occupied 200 years ago by a cotton plantation. The hotel is situated on George Town harbor, a popular anchorage for yachts cruising the Out Islands. Combination trips between all three locations is possible and offer a wonderful alternative for the angler who wished to bring his family.

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Please call Angler Adventures for Customized Package Rates at Peace & Plenty Bonefish Lodge

Travel Information & Documents: American Eagle and Bahamas Air fly direct to Exuma from Miami International Airport. Bahamas Air also services Exuma from Nassau where a number of U.S. carriers fly daily. Entering the Bahamas, a U.S. citizen must have two pieces of identification (one being a birth certificate, the other a driver’s license, voter’s registration card, etc.) one of which must have a picture.

Suggested Tackle

Fly Fishing: While rod selection is a personal choice, a good rule of thumb would be a 9-foot grahite rod designed to throw an 8-weight fly line. Reels should have a smooth drag and a capacity for at least 150 yards of 20 pound dacron backing plus the appropriate fly line. Fly line manufacturers offer many choices, however, any quality weight forward, floating line will be a good choice. Leaders would be 8 to 12 pound test and 9 to 12 feet long. Standard bonefish patterns tied on #4, #6 and #8 hooks in varied weights and colors are in order. Please feel free to contact us for more specific information regarding the above.

Spin Fishing: A reasonably stiff 7-foot rod balanced for 8 to 12 pound test monofiliment matched to reel with a smooth drag and a capacity for at least 150 yards. 1/8 to 1/4 oz. artificial jigs of varied colors.

Peace & Plenty has rental equipment available, both Fly & Spin and also a small tackle shop with flies. jigs, leaders, etc.