The Complete Fly Fisher is one of Montana’s finest fishing lodges and is ideally situated directly on the Big Hole River. A maximum of 14 guests are accommodated in six spacious cottages and a master suite in the main lodge.
From the beginning of August, well in to the latter half of the month, the pine forests that line some of SW Montana’s finest trout streams, particularly the Big Hole, stir with the emergence of the Spruce Bud Moth. First, the moth larvae develop into nickel sized winged adults. Shortly after, the moths perform their mating ritual over the water.
On the Big Hole, as well as other nearby rivers, the guides love to target this unique “hatch”.
Once the overnight chill is burned off by the morning sun, the moths become active, making their way down from the pines into the river.
The trout react immediately slipping into feeding lanes. Few moths make it very far before being sucked in from the surface.
The meaty moths bring some of the biggest trout to the surface. The dry fly fishing can be spectacular!
The Big Hole has over 100 miles of fishable water. While there is very good fishing near the lodge, most guests choose to float the river, stopping to wade the productive pools. The scenery is magnificent as you drift through cattle ranches and canyons. The Big Hole is one of few western rivers that, in addition to brown, rainbow, and brook trout, holds cutthroat trout and grayling.
In addition to the Big Hole and it’s tributary, the Wise River, a private spring creek runs through the Complete Fly Fisher property that consists of one mile of stream and two ponds.
The CFF guides have developed fish fooling moth flies and they know the runs where this phenomenon happens. Casting to trout rising for naturals is one of fly fishing’s ultimate treats. Having a well planned attack to intersect this incredible opportunity is even better.
The CFF has cared for anglers from across the globe for thirty five years with one objective in mind; to exceed their guests expectations.
The Complete Fly Fisher is an ideal place for couples, families, or groups composed of expert and novice fly fishermen. Experts will be challenged by the Big Hole’s browns. Novices will return from a week’s outing with a feeling of accomplishment, having been taught casting skills by competent instructors. The CFF staff teaches people to fish while they’re fishing.