Tag: Fishing Argentina

  • Patagonia Backroads – Catch Magazine

    As we mentioned in our last post, friend / photographer / fly tackle sales rep Jon Covich took a trip to Arroyo Claro Lodge in Argentina in January.  However, Jon wasn’t there solely for the great fishing on the Chubut, Carrilefu, and Rivadavia Rivers.  He was also in Patagonia to take photos – and boy did he capture some exceptional images while staying at Arroyo Claro.  Jon’s photo’s were so good that he was invited to do a photo essay on his trip in Catch Magazine, an online magazine focused on showing the beauty of fly fishing through the finest in fly fishing photography and cinematography.  Catch is a truly unique online publication and we love it here at Angler Adventures.  Click here to access Catch Magazine’s 17th issue, click on contents (lower left) and then ‘Photo Essay – Patagonia Backroads’ under the ‘Unique Essays’ heading to experience the entire essay.  Until then, here’s a small sample:

    Fly Fishing the Chubut River, Argentina
    The Chubut River

    “…Rio Chubut, our longest float trip, will be our first excursion and it will take four days to cover sixty miles.  The river holds the strongest rainbow trout in the country and we catch them all on dries.  The summer weather is very dry, the high desert kind, and at times with a wind that sweeps the barren hills and is, thankfully, partially blocked by the willows that border the river…”

  • Tierra del Fuego: Giant Sea Run Trout on the Rio Grande

    For those among us who love swinging flies in rivers for big salmonids, it can be a long winter! But you can swing to your heart’s content all winter long on the world’s greatest sea trout river! The Rio Grande in southern Argentina produces sea run brownies that average 12 pounds and frequently top the 20-pound mark!

    Kau Tapen Lodge

    The original – the classic: Kau Tapen, the first lodge built on the Rio Grande, fishes 12 rods on 10 miles of the Rio Grande and an additional 15 miles on Rio Menendez.

    The normal rate at Kau Tapen is $7,250 p.p. from your arrival in Rio Grande City.  International airfare to Buenos Aries, city transfer, hotels and in-country airfare to Rio Grande can cost another $2,200 – $2,500. However, Kau Tapen is offering a great “Hassle Free” inclusive package during selected weeks amounting to a savings of nearly $2,000 per person:  2011 Dates: Jan 8 – 15, Mar 19 -26 or Mar 26 – Apr 2.

    Inclusive Package Includes: Round trip Airfare Miami to Buenos Aires; Transfer from International airport to Hotel; 1 night at the Loi Suites Recoleta (sgl room); Transfer from Hotel to Domestic Airport; Flight Buenos Aires – Rio Grande – Buenos Aires; 7 nights + 6.5 days fishing at Kau Tapen Lodge; Transfer from domestic to International airport

    Rate: USD $8,105 per person (or just $6,796 not including international airfare).

    Nice Sea Run Brown Trout from Kau Tapen Lodge
    That's a bright fish!

    Villa Maria Lodge

    Kau Tapen’s sister lodge, Villa Maria is situated just downstream from Kau Tapen, near the tide head, and is the choice location to intercept the freshest, brightest sea trout. Normally weeks are $6,750 per person from Rio Grande City, but Villa Maria is also offering a domestic air-inclusive package for the week of March 25 – April 1, 2011, $6,550 per person; a savings about $1,000. This would include all of the above except international airfare to Buenos Aires.

    Aurelia Lodge

    Aurelia is the next estancia upstream from Kau Tapen’s water and offers 6 miles of double bank fishing on the Rio Grande, and 15 miles on the Rio Menedez, Aurelia’s upstream location makes it most desirable during the second half of the season when their pools are literally stuffed with fish! Good space is still available for late February and March weeks. Rates from arrival in Rio Grande range from $3,580 – $4,680 per person until March 6th. The rate is $5,890 per person from March 6th – April 17th.

  • Arroyo Claro Presentation

    Jorge Graziosi was the guest speaker at a luncheon held September 9th, 2009 at the Anglers’ Club of New York, 101 Broad Street. Other invited guests included three representatives of Angler Adventures; owner Chip Bates, Travel Manager Judy Hall, and Webmaster Evan Peterson.

    Jorge Graziosi has been guiding in Patagonia, Argentina since 1968. In 1999 he built and opened Arroyo Claro Lodge, located in the beautiful Carrileufu River Valley, a 3-hour drive south of Bariloche and 3-hours from the Chilean border. Jorge may be the only outfitter offering guests the opportunity to fish both Argentina and Chile. Arroyo Claro Lodge will host an Anglers’ Club outing January 23-30, 2010. Arrangements for the Anglers’ Club Argentina trip are being handled by Angler Adventures. Click here for more information on Arroyo Claro Lodge or contact Chip Bates at Angler Adventures: (800) 628-1447 or Chip@angleradventures.com.

    We hope you enjoy Jorge Graziosi’s slide show presentation to the Anglers’ Club, below.  If you would like the slide show to auto-play, please click on the menu in the lower left hand corner and select auto-play.  Click here to read Angler Adventures September 2009  Newsletter.

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