Some of the best Bonefish, Permit and Tarpon fishing occurs in the summertime. Due to cool ocean currents / breezes, the Bahamas temperatures typically never get over 85o F in the summer and don’t heat up like the large land masses in the U.S. Rain showers are short lived and there’s little or no wind to deal with. Some lodges close down, but the ones that remain open know it’s the best chance for a Grand Slam all year. Permit prefer warm water, Migratory Tarpon begin to show. Glistening Bonefish tails are a common sight, early and late in the day.
Abaco Island
Rickmon Bonefish Lodge in Sandy Point, Abaco is open in June and July, because it’s the best time for Permit and Mutton Snapper (Yes on the fly rod!), according to Ricardo Burrows.
Abaco Lodge, The light summer winds allow you to do “More Cool Stuff”, like trailering up north, fishing out of the Upper Cays and Oceanside flats in pursuit of Big Bones, and Mutton Snapper.
Available Dates:
June 14 – 20, 10 rods
June 22 – 26, 8 rods
June 26 – July 3, 8 rods
Blackfly Lodge In addition to flats fishing for Bonefish, Permit, Mutton Snapper, and occasionally Tarpon, Blackfly has an offshore option with its 31′ Yellow Fin docked on the East Side just minutes from Reefs and Blue Water.
The last openings are June 24 – July 7 and Aug 1 – 13
Andros Island
Prescott Smith of Stafford Creek Lodge says emphatically that summertime is your best chance at a Grand Slam (Tarpon, Permit & Bonefish). Mutton Snapper fishing in June and July is exceptional. If you prefer Reef and Offshore fishing, go for Tuna in the morning, (catch your dinner) and hit the flats in the afternoon.
Pleasant Bay and Bair’s Lodge are open in June and still have some great space available. Some of the best fishing in South Andros takes place in June with plenty of fish and no pressure!
Bair’s Lodge is a luxury lodge with good management and great bonefishing.
Available Dates:
June 4 – 8, 4 rods
June 4 – 11, 4 rods
June 8 – 12, 10 rods
Click or Tap here to for more on Summer Fishing on Grand Bahama and in Belize.