Tag: travel insurance

  • How to Insure Yourself for Travel to the Best Fishing Destinations in the World

    How to Insure Yourself for Travel to the Best Fishing Destinations in the World



    In 28 years of selling travel insurance, we’re fortunate to say, our clients have never had to use “Global Rescue”, or “Emergency Medical Evacuation”, as it is also referred to.

    On the other hand, we’ve had hundreds of clients who were forced to cancel trips at a point when their payments were no longer refundable. You need to insure yourself against both risks.

    St. Brandon’s Atoll, Mauritius. 36 Hours from the nearest hospital. 3 days from home.

    Global Rescue is not an insurance company. It provides one service (Emergency Evacuation). Given this area of concentration, they are experts. However, it’s in the best interest of clients to have broader coverage.

    Travelex is an insurance company that incorporates “emergency medical evacuation” into a comprehensive travel insurance package, which includes trip cancellation, trip interruption, trip delay and a dozen other areas of coverage.

    If you strip the Emergency Medical Evacuation out of the Travelex product, the cost of that component alone is similar in price to Global Rescue. But, there’s still an important difference.

    Travelex will not only get you out of the location you need to evacuate, they will pay for hospitalization at the nearest hospital or any hospital en route. They also reimburse you for the unused portion of your trip. Global Rescue only covers the evacuation, the advice and assistance of medical staff, and the services of critical care paramedics on the flight itself. Global Rescue does not pay for hospital costs.


    1. Trip cancellation insurance is the most necessary and commonly used travel insurance by far. Everyone should have this coverage.
    2. Travelex includes trip cancellation, emergency medical evacuation, and a dozen other coverages in the same policy.
    3. If you’ve already purchased Global Rescue for evacuation, you should piggy back that coverage with Travelex to get the complete package.

    Angler Adventures is licensed to sell travel insurance and is an agent for both Travelex and Global Rescue.

    Why Buy Travel Insurance? Click Here.

    Interested in Global Rescue? Click Here.