Saltwater Flats Sizzle: check out Abaco, Bahamas, Belize and more

Awesome Abaco Option

You can get the best of everything Abaco has to offer in a 7-night/6-day combination trip to Abaco Loge and Black Fly Lodge. Now, under the same ownership, these lodges offer two fisheries so different you won’t believe you’re on the same island. Transfers between the 2 lodges is less than an hour. You get numbers, size, wading, and poling. Easy flights to Marsh Harbour. Check it out:

We’ve Got the Bahamas Covered

In October, Angler Adventures owner Chip Bates visited Abaco Bahamas. He fished the marls from Abaco Lodge, the southern Marls from Delphi Lodge, and Mores Island and Sandy Point from Black Fly. In November, Doug Schlink fished the North and South shores of Grand Bahama from North Riding Point Cluband H2O Bonefishing and Big Creek, Little Creek and the Southern flats of Andros from Mars Bay Lodgeand Bair’s Lodge. Can them for details: 800-628-1447 / 860-434-9624.

 Delphi 2011 Record Day = 52

What would you do if your guide put you in front of 10,000 bonefish in one day? Try to catch as many as possible! That’s what Delphi Lodge client Dr. Margaret Downes did, and she caught 52 bones on November 6, 2011. Delphi is a serious fishing lodge with extraordinary amenities.

Camping in Belize

El Pescador now offers camping trips to “Bonefish Island” where guests can fish from sun up to sun down on wadable flats for bones and permit. The island is private, the tent accommodations limited to 6 anglers and 3 guides. A nice addition to the year round Tarpon flats fishing El Pescador is famous for.

No Boundaries for H2O

H2O Bonefishing has a unique program to target the fantastic variety of fishing Grand Bahama offers in June & July. “No Boundaries” is a 5-night / 4-day with 2 days “local” fishing combined with 2 days “outward bound” on their 21 foot, 150 HP Maverick Master Angler. The 21 allows access to remote areas of Little Bahama Bank that rarely see a fisherman. Trophy bonefish, permit and tarpon are the primary target. May be combined with offshore days for dolphin and yelowfin tuna.

Mangrove Cay – 10 Hour Days?

Yes. Last year Mangrove Cay Club (MCC) outfitted each skiff with a SPOT GPS locating device as a safety precaution. This is paying off for anglers – Now guests at Mangrove Cay can add 90 minutes to their fishing day for a small fee. The dangers of staying our late and getting stranded are virtually eliminated with SPOT (most routinely used by hikers and mountaineers). MCC just bought several Gheenoes, ultra-light skiffs that can be poled in 2-3″ of water, so anglers can hunt down bones that love to tail on the soft flats that are too mucky to wade.

Permit City Deals

Ascension Bay remains the most productive permit fishery we know of. The luxury Grand Slam Lodge run by Bobby Settles, recently cut its rates. A 4 night/3 day is just $2,002 during high season. Not to be outdone, the venerable Pesca Maya announced a special. Book a 4-night/3-day package or longer and get an extra night/day for FREE. Special is valid for the weeks of DEC 31 – JAN 7, JAN 14 – 21, JAN 28 – FEB 4 or FEB 11 – 18 only, and must be reserved by DEC 31. Average savings is over $500 per angler!

Back in Business

Grey’s Point Inn, Acklins was the only lodge we represent in the Bahamas to sustain structural damage from Huricane Irene. Grey’s Point Inn lost the majority of the roof on the largest of three buildings. According to owner Kendall Williamson, the roof is repaired, and the lodge has been fully operational since early-November. For more on this unique Bahamas fishery with 100% wading, visit:


North Riding Point Club is offering a 5-night/4-day stay for the price of 4-nights/3-days. That’s one night of free accommodations, food, drink and a free day of guided bonefishing. Click here for details.

Pesca Maya is offering a free night and free day of bonefishing for any package booked before December 31, 2011. The average savings is over $500 per person.

Andros South is offering a father and son promotion for 2012 – The son pays half-price.

Turneffe Flats has a last minute deal for the weeks of January 14 – 21, 2012 & January 21 – 28, 2012. Buy one trip at full price and get the second for half off.

El Pescador starts its “Two-Fer” special June 1, 2012 where you buy a single occupancy package and your partner comes Free.


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