Update on South Andros
Most anglers identify South Andros as a huge expanse of wadable flats around the southern and southwestern tip of the island: Flats filled with large schools of uneducated bonefish in the 2-4 pound range eager to eat flies. Anyone interested […]
The “Bully Special” Fly
Here’s another excerpt from Dick Brown’s revised Bonefish Fly Patterns, which was re-released this summer. At Angler Adventures, we’re really big fans of bonefish guides that can consistently find big fish. The fly below was created by an excellent big […]
Why Bonefish are Special
We think bonefish are special too. Here’s why Dick Brown thinks so:
“Why bones are special—The bonefish is the nearest thing there is to a perfect gamefish for fly-fishing anglers. A voracious predator, it readily (but warily) takes flies. It accelerates […]
Bonefish Fly Patterns – preface excerpt
The following is from the preface to the second edition of Bonefish Fly Patterns by Dick Brown. There are some great bonefish flies included in this edition that we’ve been recommending to our clients, specifically the Simram and the Bully […]
Bonefish Flies 2.0
Saltwater flats fishing authority, Dick Brown, is releasing the second version of his Bonefish Fly Patterns book in June 2011. Both of Dick’s books are considered must reads for any angler interested in improving his skills and learing more about […]