Beyond the Blue Bonefishing in South Caicos Island, Turks and Caicos offers a hidden hot spot for bonefishing

Turks & Caicos is a fraction of the size of the Bahamas, but it’s still an immense fishery with just one bonefish lodge, Beyond the Blue Bonefish Charters in South Caicos. Less than 140 anglers fish here annually. When you cover mile upon mile of its gorgeous, shallow flats by airboat and never see a “prop scar”, you realize no one else fishes here.

It’s all wading. There are no skiffs. Your only form of transportation on the water is a 24 foot airboat powered by a 454 Chevy engine or one of 4 paddleboards. The bonefish can be ridiculously plentiful at times, aggressive, and relatively easy to catch. But, this is not a destination for beginners. There is no one on one guiding. You must enjoy wading and spotting bonefish on your own.

The rewards are, you’ll have the chance to catch both numbers and size. Bonefish schools numbering in the 100’s are a common sight. So are 5-10 pound fish, which can appear out of nowhere, anytime.

Fish are generally spotted from the perch of the airboat at 25 mph. Stop. Get out and fish. Amazing. Although the big Chevy cranks out big noise (head phones are provided), the noise is generated above the water, not in the water, and doesn’t spook the fish as much as you might expect. The paddleboards are perfect for penetrating the mangroves at higher tides and they allow you to cover more ground. Wind is not an issue as long as you fish downwind with the sun at your back.

Client Quotes

“By far the best bonefishing of my life”. Charlie M

“Last day was great. Lot of fish. I broke one off that was closer to 20 than 10 lbs. Have never seen one even close to that big. Eye was the size of a ping pong ball and he took the fly at my rod tip. Grrr”. Mike R.

“I’ve never been to the same place twice. This is my 4th trip to South Caicos. This is a very special place. My question was, is it possible to stop the airboat after seeing fish and catch fish. We did it 3 times the first day. Now with the paddleboards, you have 10 times the range you have on foot”. M. Hatter
Beyond the Blue is open from November through June. For those who love to wade, this place is a “must visit.


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