Fishing Montana at Five Rivers Lodge and The Complete Fly Fisher

A couple of years ago I made my first visit to Montana.  The first day on the water, 30 Trout!!!!!  I had never nymphed in my life and by the end of the first hour I was a pro! Not only was I nymphing, I was dry fly fishing like never before.

Since then, I have convinced many saltwater anglers to fill out their summer calendar with a trip to the mountains and Blue Skies of Montana.

Whether you are new to freshwater, or you have lots of experience, Montana offers “action”, as well as technical match-the-hatch fishing. Montana is also a great adventure destination, whether you are a couple, single, family or group.

There are two lodges that have something for everyone and are my favorites.

Five Rivers Lodge is in an ideal location, Dillon, Montana.  Some of the “best kept secrets” are in this area.  Five Rivers offers excellent fishing on the Beaverhead, (Upper and Lower and more private access points were added this year), the Madison (Rainbows are terrific on this river), the Ruby, Big Hole, the Jefferson and several private water access points including, “The McCoy”.

Five Rivers has a host of guides that are experienced, friendly, and professional and are very good about providing instruction as well.

Jay Burgin and Mary Jacques (your host and hostess) are simply terrific. They  make you feel at home, keep the food
and wine flowing, and offer accommodations with all amenities.  You will love their warmth and hospitality, and enjoy the magnificent sunsets while dining on the delicious meals they provide.

Five Rivers has something for everyone!   Jay and Mary are more than happy to assist with other arrangements as well, horseback riding, day trips and picnics.

The “Good News” is it is not too late to book for 2003, and this year is shaping up to be one of the best years in many years, with 90 percent of normal snow pack.  If 2003 is just not possible, now is the time to secure your week for 2004. Fiver Rivers will honor all 2003 rates for clients deposited by September of 2003.

During my stay at Five Rivers, I was able to experience, “Vinter’s Week” and due to it’s popularity it is repeated every year.   World Class Wines and World Class Fly Fishing at their finest.  The dates for  “Vinter’s Week” are noted below and please check out our web site at for current rates.

10 MayRoger Riccardi of Gallo of Sonoma – California14 JulyMarc Mondavi of Charles Krug – California11 AugustJohn Dingethal of Sandhill – Washington / Alex Schug of Shug Carneros – California1 SeptemberJerry Bookwalter of Bookwatler – Washington

Complete Fly Fisher (CFF)

During my visit to Montana, I made a stop at the The Complete Fly Fisher located on the banks of the Big Hole River in Montana. The lodge was full of very happy guests some of whom were learning the art of fly fishing for the first time.  The guides at the CFF love to teach, whether its converting a beginner into a devote, or showing an experienced angler how to double haul.  The lodge, situated on the east slope of the Rocky Mountains, is located Riverside, dining is Gourmet with a full, “Water View”.

You will never experience the beauty of the Big Hole in a picture. Even if you aren’t fishing, the scenery will absolutely overwhelm you.  For me, it was not only  beautiful, but spiritually moving.  The terrific fishing was a bonus.

Some of my favorite weeks in Montana are late June, through July when the weather is warm, water levels are up and the dry fly activity can be outstanding.

I asked the guides at the Complete Fly Fisher what their favorite time is, and most of them agreed, the last 3 weeks of September to the first two weeks of October.

The fishing can be superb, many of the tourists have gone home and the fall
colors are spectacular.   Many anglers choose their dates according to what’s hatching, such as the Salmon Fly Hatch on “Rock Creek” in early June to July, or the  “Hoppers” in August.  For more information on the hatch schedules, dates of availability and rates please go to:

The CFF also hosts a variety of activities for those that want to take in all that Montana has to offer. Guided day tours are tailored to fit your interests – be it wildflowers, native uses of plants, birds, wildlife or historical sites.  Other activities include Horseback Riding, High Country Discovery Tours with a wide range of natural history activities, especially designed for children. There’s something for everyone!

Montana is an awesome adventure, for fishers, non-fishers, family and friends, and now may be the best time to get historically low airfares.

For more information, please contact Judy S. Hall at Angler Adventures by email ( or phone (800-628-1447 in the US, 860-434-9624 internationally). I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Fishes!
Judy S. Hall
Angler Adventures


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