Off the Chart Fishing: Huge Brown Trout in Patagonia, Argentina

Steve Renehan landed the 26″, 8 lb Brown pictured above on a dry fly in late-February, fishing an unnamed river with Fly Fishing Andes, based in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina. Equally impressive was the incredible dry fly fishing Seve Renehan & Tom Gahan experienced one evening on the Collon Cura River, while staying at Ted Turner’s, Collon Cura Lodge. The pair landed 20 fish over 20″ from the same pool! The minnow migration was in full swing and the browns & rainbows were feeding with near reckless abandon.

The minnow migration is a yearly phenomenon that takes place on the Collon Cura from late-January into March. Swarms of minnows leave the nearby reservoir and swim up the Collon Cura. During the migration, big fish flood into the river. While streamer fishing can be deadly, excellent dry fly fishing can be had, skating big attractor patterns. Philip Giffin landed a tackle busting 23″ rainbow, but all agreed, even the 13 – 22″ rainbows on the Collon Cura are among the hardest fighting trout anywhere!

Jim & Joan Hunter also enjoyed this phenomenal fishing on their third January trip to Fly Fishing Andes. One of the highlights was floating the “secret” river, where every fish caught was 22 – 24 inches. Joan had the touch, landing at least one fish 21″ or more each of their 14 fishing days.

For more photos, please check out Facebook Page at

Space is already filling up for the 2014 – 2015 Season in Argentina. If you’ve been thinking about a trip to Argentina, give Angler Adventures a call (800-628-1447) or drop us email ( and we’ll help you pick the right lodge, rivers and dates.

Not listed above are our other fine Argentine Trout Fishing Destinations: Arroyo ClaroRio MansoSan HubertoTecka Lodge, and Tipiliuke. Also, be on the look out for a future newsletter announcing a web page (and video) for Jurassic Lake and its trophy Rainbow Trout fishing.


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